Business Licenses

Business Licenses are required of all persons or corporations conducting business within the City of Redlands.

Customers seeking to obtain a new business license or to renew an expired or expiring business license may apply through our Business Support Center in Fresno, CA online, call (909) 479-2111 or email

Click here to be taken to the Business License Online Application Portal

Please be advised that you may notice the following address listed on your Business License Application, Renewal Notice, and similar correspondence:

City of Redlands
8839 N Cedar Ave #212
Fresno, CA 93720-1832

Please be aware that this address information simply reflects the City’s partnership with a third-party processor to manage applications and payments.

Please make sure you know the answers to these questions before calling or applying online:

More information regarding the specific provisions of the City’s Municipal Code on business licenses can be found here: Chapter 5.04 – Business Licenses Generally.